Mayor Mary Fasbender and Jay Kochendorfer announced a Gobble Gait milestone on Oct. 23, surrounded by sponsors, volunteers, participants and community members at a celebration event at The Confluence Hotel. Gobble Gait has raised over $2 million to support critical programs and services provided by Hastings Family Service since the race began. They, along with Brian and Melany Radke and their families, founded Gobble Gait in 1998 and have kept the Thanksgiving Day event going and growing. The commitments from sponsors for this year ensure the $2 million milestone will be exceeded.
Fasbender and Kochendorfer shared at the event how they participated in a Thanksgiving Day turkey trot and returned with the idea they could do that for Hastings. From the first race in 1998 that raised $4600 to last year’s event raising $130,000, Mayor Mary shared, “Part of my pride and joy of being the mayor of our community is how this community comes together every day for the people who need help. I want to thank all of you for supporting Gobble Gait for the past 27 years.”
Amy Sutton, Executive Director at Hastings Family Service, has attended Gobble Gait for each of the 15 years she has been on staff and shared, “It is impossible to put into words what a difference Gobble Gait has made over the years for our community. Who could have imagined what a significant source of support this would become for Hastings Family Service or what an incredible community tradition it would become for so many?”
According to Sutton, the need for food programs increased by 132% in just the past two years, with HFS distributing 270,000 pounds of food in 2021 to 425,000 pounds last year. That growth in need and costs makes Gobble Gait and your support more important than ever. Kochendorfer shared at the event the power of each dollar as it can be leveraged by purchasing food from Second Harvest Heartland. The $35 early bird registration fee can provide food for a family of three for over a week. “Because of Gobble Gait, Hastings Family Service has been able to grow programs and staffing in response to community needs and continues to provide help and hope to our neighbors.”
Mayor Mary and Jay thanked the crowd on behalf of the organizers, including Brian and his family who were unable to attend, and Hastings Family Service. They also gave special thanks to this year’s presenting sponsors Edward Jones-Abra Hovgaard Agency, and North American Banking Company represented that evening by Vice President Debbie Grimm.
The event also provided the first look at this year’s race shirt, a maroon shirt with a great new logo designed by new sponsor Finn and Gray. The founders also recognized Mike Kelly and Nine Eagles Promotions for his support in providing the shirts at cost since the very beginning. Every participant who registers for the 8K receives the iconic Gobble Gait shirt, and Mayor Mary encouraged everyone to register by October 31 for early bird pricing; prices go up for the 8K race on November 1. Visit gobblegait.com for information and to register.
Kochendorfer concluded the event, thanking every sponsor, every volunteer, every person who has ever participated in or supported Gobble Gait in any way in the past 27 years for making this milestone possible.