Sometimes the immediate need of a family or individual in crisis is not food. They may need help with seasonally appropriate clothing, diapers, formula, housing costs, utilities, gas to get to work, vehicle repairs, or prescription medications. Depending on the need, Hastings Family Service (HFS) may be able to help.
Community Resource Assistance offers support to those living in Independent School District 200 who are experiencing a short-term crisis. An HFS staff member meets one-on-one with neighbors to discuss community resources, determine eligibility for assistance, and help with application(s). Contact Stevi Ritt at Hastings Family Service (651-437-7134) to make an appointment.
Follow the steps below for:
Clothing and Household Vouchers
If you need seasonally appropriate clothing and/or household items:
- Families residing in ISD 200 can schedule an appointment, provided they bring to the appointment the following:
- Valid Driver’s License or photo ID
- Piece of mail postmarked within the last 2 weeks
- Call Hastings Family Service at 651-437-7134 to make an appointment to shop with a voucher at Rivertown Treasures Thrift Store.
Rent Assistance
If you are behind on rent, please take the following steps in order:
- Apply for Dakota County Emergency Assistance at
- If you are denied Emergency Assistance through the county, apply at the CAP Agency (Community Action Partnership of Scott, Carver, Dakota Counties)
- If Dakota County Emergency Assistance and the CAP Agency are unable to assist, call Stevi Ritt at Hastings Family Service (651-437-7134) to schedule an appointment. During the financial assistance process, Hastings Family Service will ask you to verify:
- The eviction notice or formal threat of eviction
- Dakota County Emergency Assistance denial letter
- Your income, budget, and expenses
- Your plan to cover rent moving forward
If you live outside of Hastings, MN, the following organizations may be able to help:
- 360 Communities: Serving Apple Valley, Burnsville, Farmington, Lakeville, Rosemount, and Eagan. Call 360 Communities at 952-985-5300 or online at
- United Way 211: Call 211 to connect to services
- CAP Agency: Serving Dakota County for housing, utilities, and childcare assistance
Utilities Assistance
If you are behind on utilities, please take the following steps in order:
- Apply at the CAP Agency for utilities assistance at or call 651-322-3500. Press 1 for Energy Assistance Program, then press 1 if you have a disconnect or shut-off notice, or press 2 for an application. CAP energy assistance applications are accepted from October 1st to May 31st.
- If the CAP Agency cannot assist with your utility bill, apply for Dakota County Emergency Assistance online at or call (651) 554-5611.
- If Dakota County Emergency Assistance and the CAP Agency cannot assist, call Stevi Ritt at Hastings Family Service (651-437-7134) to schedule an appointment. During the financial assistance process, Hastings Family Service will ask you to verify:
- The disconnect notice from the utility
- Dakota County Emergency Assistance denial letter
- Your income, budget, and expenses
- Your plan to cover utility expenses moving forward
If you live outside of Hastings, MN, the following organizations may be able to help:
- 360 Communities: Serving Apple Valley, Burnsville, Farmington, Lakeville, Rosemount, and Eagan. Call 360 Communities at 952-985-5300 or online at
- United Way 211: Call 211 to connect to services
- CAP Agency: Serving Dakota County for housing, utilities, and childcare assistance
Other Assistance
(Including Auto Repairs, Prescriptions, Vouchers, Etc.)
- If you are requesting financial assistance for other short-term, emergency needs and you live in ISD 200, please contact Stevi Ritt at Hastings Family Service (651-437-7134) to schedule an appointment.
During the emergency financial assistance process, Hastings Family Service will ask you to verify:
- The item, repair estimate, or assistance you are requesting
- Your income, budget, and expenses
- Your plan to cover these expenses moving forward
Legal Kiosk
Hastings Family Service hosts a Legal Kiosk in our resource/business center. The kiosk is provided by The Minnesota Legal Services Coalition to increase access to legal aid in Minnesota. To use the Legal Kiosk, come in to Hastings Family Service during business hours (9am – 4pm, Tuesday – Friday).
For More Information
Please complete the following form if you would like more information on Community Resource Assistance. Mailboxes are checked Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm. It may take up to two business days for us to get back to you. If immediate assistance is needed, please call HFS at 651-437-7134 during service hours.