It's Time to Get Your Gobble On!
Thanksgiving Morning | November 27, 2025
8:30 AM Start Time
Gobble Gait started in 1998 as a small race to raise some additional money for Hastings Family Service. Years later, Gobble Gait is still raising money to benefit HFS, but it is no longer a small race! The 2K and 8K combined are now averaging well over 2,000 runners each year, and have consistently been one of the Twin Cities' largest Thanksgiving Day runs! Many families have made it their traditional way to kick off the holiday season.
Celebrating Over $2 Million in Support in 2024!
Gobble Gait organizers recently celebrated a milestone, announcing that since the race began in 1998, over $2 million has been raised for Hastings Family Service! HFS is grateful to Gobble Gait founders/organizers Mayor Mary Fasbender, Jay Kochendorfer, Brian Radke, and their families for their hard work and dedication over 27 years of providing help and hope for the community. HFS is also grateful to all participants, volunteers, and sponsors who have contributed to this support. Watch the video of the big announcement below courtesy of Hastings Community TV.
Presenting Sponsors
Turkey Sponsors
Thank you to all sponsors for your support of Gobble Gait and providing help and hope for neighbors! Use the button below for a complete listing.