Frequently Asked Questions during COVID-19
Here you will find some of the most frequently asked questions about accessing services at Hastings Family Service during the COVID-19 pandemic. For additional questions or to schedule an appointment, please call 651-437-7134. We are here to help!
Who Can Use the Food Shelf?
You can! Anyone, including seniors, singles, adult-only households or families living in Minnesota. If you have been laid off or furloughed, you can receive groceries and use your resources for other bills and basic needs.
How do I get food if I need it? Do I need to meet with someone?
Call (651) 437-7134 to schedule a pick-up at the HFS drive-thru Food Shelf or an in-person appointment. It is highly suggested that requests for food through the Market food shelf at HFS must be scheduled at least 2 days in advance. Because of the high volume of requests, same day or next day food pick ups may not be available at this time. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to check out the other food options available in the Hastings community listed below.
How often can I get food?
Due to COVID-19, food appointments (full food order or an emergency bag) are available one time per month.
What information will be requested of me?
You will be asked your name, address, number in family, self-declare household income, and what non-food items you would enjoy. Providing your phone number and email address is optional. We are also conducting our annual programs and services intake and appreciate your participation by completing the form at the time of your appointment. This form is optional and we will only request that you complete the intake form on an annual basis. All paperwork is confidential
What type of food will I get?
Dairy, meat, fresh produce, bread, shelf stable foods, and personal care items.
I am interested in Meals on Wheels; how does that work?
Delivery continues with modifications to ensure recipient and volunteer safety. Call 651-404-1548 for more information. Hot meal cost is $5.20 and frozen meals are $4.00 each. SNAP is also accepted to cover the cost of meals.
What other food resources are available in the Hastings community?
- Market Express
- Market Express is an opportunity for an express drive-thru food pick up and is available to anyone, whether you have visited the food shelf this month or not. A Market Express pick up is a 3-4 day supply of food and may include: meat, bread, dairy, produce, and dried goods (contents will vary). Advance sign up is required. To find out the dates for the next Market Express and to Sign up, Call 651-437-7134. Market Express is pick up only.
- Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors (NAPS)
- Free, nutritious food for seniors 60+. Easy to enroll; call Amy Schaffer at Hastings Family Service 651-437-7134. Income eligibility: total gross monthly income for 1 person- $1473 or under and 2 person $1984 or under.
- The Hastings YMCA:
- Partners with Every Meal to provide Food Bags: free dry goods for meals that serve 2-3 people. Available M-F 8:00-5:00. They are on a table inside the YMCA main enterance.
- Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church: “Food with Friends”
- Meals are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. To reserve curbside meal pick up, call the church office at 651-437-9052.
- Resurrection United Methodist Chrch “Dinner on Us” – Community Meals Every Wednesday at 6 p.m.
- Starting back up September 14th, 2022. Call 651-437-4398 for more info
- Community Food Distribution at Harbor Church
The second Saturday of each month, Harbor Church sponsors a food distribution that provides milk, dairy, meat, fresh produce, breads, and often non-food items as well. The food distribution will be from 9:30 am until 11 am. A $20 donation is requested to help keep the food distribution open. You do not need to register. Address: 11125 W Point Douglas Rd, Hastings Phone: (651) 493-7974
What other food resources are available through the county?
- SNAP - Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program: Provides food support (formerly known as food stamps) for income eligible individuals. Applications for food benefits and renewals can be submitted on or call the help line at 800-657-3698.
- NAPS - Nutritional Assistance Program for Seniors: Free, nutritious food for seniors 60+. Provided monthly. Easy to enroll - call Amy Schaffer at Hastings Family Service 651-437-7134. Income eligibility: total gross monthly income for 1 person $1473 or under or 2 persons $1984 or under
- WIC - Women Infant Children: Call 952-891-7525 for more information. Call 651-554-5611 to schedule an over-the-phone application appointment.
How does financial assistance work through HFS?
Grants available for eligible applications for seniors, singles, adult-only households, or families living in ISD 200. Grants aim to assist with some expenses including housing, utilities, car- related, gas to get to school or work, ID replacements, and prescriptions. Call 651-437-7134 for more information.
Additional Information/Resources
I have lost my job, what do I do?
- Minnesota Unemployment Insurance: 1-877-898-9090 or apply at
- Dakota County Dislocated Workers Program: Contact CareerForce Burnsville at 952-703-3100 or apply online.
I have been laid off and I no longer have insurance, how do I apply for MNsure?
- Online at
- Dakota County MNsure line (651) 554-6696 or
I cannot pay my utility bill, what assistance might be available?
- Community Action Partnership Energy Assistance: (651) 322-3500 Option 1 or
- Dakota County Emergency Assistance: Applications for cash and emergency program benefits can be submitted Call (651) 554-5611 to schedule an over-the-phone application appointment or for more information.
- Energy CENTS Coalition: Assists with Natural Gas (651) 774-9010
I need rental assistance, what do I do?
- Zero Balance Project: Landlord initiates the process for past due amounts rental assistance. Apply online at
What are the housing options available right now?
- Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA): (651) 675-4400
- Community Action Partnership Housing and Emergency Services: (952) 496-2125 Option 1
- Housing Link:
I am homeless, what do I do?
Call the Dakota County Housing Resource Line at 651-554-5751 or email
Where can I go to fax or make copies?
- Coborns: Printing: 7 cents a page. Faxing: $1 for first page, 50 cents for each additional
- UPS: Printing: Black and White- 25 cents a sheet. Faxing: $1.50 for 6 pages, additional $1 for every sheet after 6. Printing from email available.
- Dakota County Pleasant Hill Library: Scanning: free, Copies: 15 cents, Faxing: $1